Sunday, August 3, 2008

What’s It Really About?

So today we remember the most horrific terrorist attack in American history. I’m sure all of us can remember exactly where we were and what we were doing when we first found out about it. I know I will never forget the phone call I got from my wife at the time, very upset, and telling me to turn on the television.

I, of course, have some issues about our response to the attack and questions I think we should all think about. I, along with many others, am still trying to figure out what the war in Iraq has accomplished in finding and punishing the people responsible for the attack. After changing their reasons for going into Iraq more times than even the administration can remember, it seems they have stuck with the concept of the “world is a safer place without Sadam Hussein”. I must agree with them on that point. However, that doesn’t seem to be a reason this country invades another nation. If it were a valid reason why are we not in North Korea or Iran? Libya had, until the last few years, been a thorn in our side for ages. We hadn’t found it necessary to take Kadaffi out of power.

The next item I’d like to throw out there is where the hijackers came from. If 15 of 19 hijackers had come from North Korea, we would have thought we were being attacked by North Korea. The same can be said if these attackers were from Iran, Chile and any number of nations. 15 of the hijackers were from Saudi Arabia. Why are we not at war with them? It couldn’t be the close relationship the Bush family has with the Saudis could it? I’m sure that has absolutely nothing to do with it.

We’ve all heard the saying “pick your battles” I just think we picked the wrong one here. There are more than 2500 Americans dead in this war. Every day the Arab world is seeing films of Americans killing Arabs. If you think that’s going to help stop terrorism your nuts. It also seems we’ve forgotten all about Afghanistan. Isn’t that where we were told the leaders of the hijackers were? Why does the Taliban even exist anymore? During the last two years the only time Osama Bin Laden’s name has been mentioned seems to be to raise fear before the upcoming elections. I think we may have lost focus on the reasons we went to war in the first place. We were after the people who attacked our country. Can we at least make a cursory effort to accomplish that mission?

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