Sunday, August 3, 2008

Rob The Poor, Feed The Rich

I was originally going to write about the minimum wage law and how ridiculous it is when people say it’s unnecessary. I’ve had to change my topic a bit because while looking into it I found some of those great contradictions that I love in our two party system.

I find it funny when the right tells the country that government needs to stay out of people’s lives. That raising the minimum wage is just another example of government running those lives. American businesses should be able to decide what to pay their workers and politicians should simply stay out of the argument. The humor comes from the same politicians, at the same time, telling us that this very same government should be involved in creating legislation that prohibits gay marriage. Hmmm. Why be involved in one and not the other? Well in this case it’s easy to answer. The religious right contributes a great deal of money to the right wing and you never want to bite the hand that feeds you.

We can also look at the differing views on taxes. I realize that my opinion on this subject differs from most. I’ve never had a problem paying whatever I’m supposed to pay. However, I do have an issue with the way the right wants taxes to be paid. I don’t care what anyone says, the tax cuts brought on by the Bush administration has only helped the wealthy. It was proven in the eighties and it has proven itself again, trickle down economics simply do not work. It has made the gap between the upper and middle classes wider than ever. Look it up. You can’t even talk about the lower class without wondering how they eat at all.

This idea of not taxing dividends kills me. How does that not help only the rich? I have a decent amount of money in stocks and I receive dividends from some of them. The amount that I make off them doesn’t even put a dent in my tax bill. I say this to illustrate a point. You have to have a real amount of money in stocks to collect dividends large enough to mean something on your tax bill. Is it a surprise that the right is constantly railing about killing the dividend tax? Who would most benefit from this tax cut? Why it’s the same group that tends to donate to the campaigns of those who would most likely vote for the cut. Once again, a case of let’s get the government out of our lives. And once again this is the same party that then says we need to appoint more right-wingers to the Supreme Court in the hopes of someday overturning Roe V Wade, even though 70% of Americans support the right of a woman to choose. Look that up too.

I don’t know it just seems that they want it both ways, and if we’re not very careful, they’ll get it. Yes, I know, the dems are just as hypocritical but this is my soapbox and I decide what gets pointed out.

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