Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Go Ahead, I dare Ya

I called my Mother up today to see what she and her husband were doing for dinner. She said she had taken some Chicken Livers out of the freezer and she was going to have that. Ewwww.

Michael Myers, when talking about Scottish cuisine, said he thought it was based on a dare, I think we Jews have them beat. You only need to go to your local grocery store and find the kosher section and look at the Gefilte fish in that jelled stuff. I rest my case.

Baby It's Cold Outside

I woke up this morning and, as usual, Lucky was needing to go out so I got up and put on the winter coat, hat and gloves and got the leash. It was just after six and before going out I checked the temperature outside. It was three. Did you hear me? THREE. For reasons I will never understand I decided to actually walk her around the neighborhood instead of the normal standing on the deck while she does her business.

As we started out the garage I think she kind of sensed that we might actually be going for a walk instead of the norm. Usually when we go out the garage it’s because there’s too much snow on the deck. She’ll normally make a sharp left to get on the lawn in the backyard. This time she went straight out towards the street and was ready to go. Weird how animals can pick that kind of stuff up.

I had my jacket zipped up so that the collar went up high enough to cover my nose and the only part of me that was visible to the cold were my eyes. Lucky, of course, had her fur to cover up with.

I don’t know how anyone can give proper perspective in words just what three degrees before the wind chill feels like. I was afraid the water in my eyes would freeze. It’s been many years since I’ve been in this kind of weather and I’m glad I’m old so I’m not tempted to go out and mess around in it like I did when I was younger.

Anyway, Lucky starts going down the street towards the lots that don’t have homes on them and I’m just walking along behind her. As we approached the empty lots Lucky went into the field and started her normal sniffing around while I just stood there and shivered. Did I mention that it was three degrees?

I got lost in my thoughts, just staring at my feet while doing what I could to keep the blood in my veins from freezing when I came to my senses and decided we’d had enough and it was time to go home. I called Lucky while looking up and saw her not three feet from me, lying in the snow. Did I mention that it was three degrees?

I yelled for her to get up and, for those of you that know her, you’ll know what comes next. She rolled over onto her back and put her legs in the air like she was home sleeping. She doesn’t take to loud voices very well and, when she perceives that someone is mad at her, she basically curls up and doesn’t move.

So there I am, dressed like an Eskimo, trying to get my dog to get up so I can get back inside. I ended up dragging her a foot or so until she decided to get up and walk with me. I know that sounds cruel but she was fine and with her major intelligence she forgot about it as soon as she got up. I did mention the three degree thing didn’t I?

Friday, January 18, 2008

Chicks Dig The Long Ball

Try as I might, I just can’t seem to get worked up about the issue of steroid use in professional athletes. I am a sports nut. Well, Baseball, Football and College Basketball. I watch the Olympics every couple years and once in a while I’ll watch pro Basketball and Hockey when they are in playoff mode. In most, if not all cases, these are adults doing things to themselves that do not hurt others. I say, go for it. Whatever damage you are doing is to yourself. A victimless crime if I’ve ever seen one.

There is the argument that if taking steroids you have an unfair advantage over those that don’t take them. Big deal. Sounds sort of crazy but why does it matter? It’s only sports. No one is forced to go see the games yet attendance is record setting for most teams. It doesn’t seem to bother the fan at all.

I’ve written before about my love for the game of baseball and this current scandal has done nothing to diminish it. The game is still the same; it’s just being played at a higher level. The drama is still there with each and every pitch.

Why not do it like the old skit on Saturday Night Live where they had the all drug Olympics. Remember when Phil Hartman’s arms came off as he was lifting weights? If people want to watch it, I say go for it. Again, the fans would pay for it and nobody is forcing the athletes to choose whatever the sport is for their occupation.

The bottom line is that professional sports exist for the fan and if the fan is willing to pay the price of admission then so be it. Performance enhancing drugs have proven to not be a deterrence to the health of the sport. I guess the old line is true. Chicks dig the long ball

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Sounds Like AM Radio

It’s New Years Eve day and I’m just picking up the house a bit as I’ve got a few friends coming up tonight. As I’m cleaning up around here I started to go through some CD’s I haven’t heard in awhile and put them into the Bose.

I put in an old one from my high school years. The album is the studio album Peter Frampton put out right before his live album came out in 1976. Listening to the album it reminded me of when the album came out and a few of us went and bought the record. There were a couple minor hits on it that got a decent amount of FM airplay and we were all pretty satisfied with our purchase. Of course we had no idea what would come next for the guy.

A number of the songs on the “Frampton” album were also on the live album and hearing them done in a studio as opposed to live is really something. I had forgotten how fresh the songs sounded all those years ago. It’s actually a really good album. There were a couple songs that I still just love that never made it onto the live album and hearing them after all these years brings a comfort that’s hard to describe.

Anyway, the reason I started to write was that I was thinking about what happened to Peter Frampton and how none of you out there that are in my age group have listened to “Frampton Comes Alive” in ages. You almost have to feel sorry for the guy. This was a great album and that’s not an exaggeration. It was the album that started the trend in the 70’s of other artists recording live albums. Think about it, did you know anyone back then that didn’t buy it? I’m hard pressed to think of anyone I knew.

So why would I say you almost have to feel sorry for him? Well, let’s look at what happened to his career. It was pretty much finished, artistically; he became a pop star instead of a rock star. Do you know anyone who has a Frampton album that was released after the live one? Neither do I. all this guy did was play a concert in San Francisco that was recorded. He didn’t change his style or music, he just played.

We, the listening public, heard this album so much that it became almost hard to listen to. It went from being played on album oriented rock stations to top 40 stations and once that happens the shelf life just disappears. Those of you that saved your albums from back then should go take a look at it. I’m sure that looking at it you’ll see how used it is. You, like so many others, played the hell out of it. I said it earlier and it really is true, this was a great album.

There are, as mentioned earlier, a few songs on the “Frampton” album that didn’t make it onto the live set. If you are so inclined go online and see if you can download “Nowhere’s Too Far” and "Apple Of Your Eye”. I think it’ll bring some memories back and you just might like to hear something you haven’t heard in over 30 years.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow!

Simply amazing. I decide to move back to Michigan and we have a record setting snowfall for New Years. I spent yesterday morning shoveling my driveway. I then went to my Mother’s house and did hers. I hurt my back doing hers because the shovel she has is very short. I then came home and did my porch and city walk. I have a very large lot, I live on a corner and there’s a whole lot of walk to shovel.

I had it looking pretty good after shoveling the seven or so inches we got and came inside to watch football. It started snowing again around five o’clock last night and it’s still snowing now at six o’clock this morning. It looks like we had another three or four inches. I just finished my driveway again and my back is killing me.

It’s pretty depressing because, with the wind blowing like it is, it seems like I never did any of the shoveling yesterday. The back thing really bothers me. I don’t mind doing the shoveling but this hurts.

The forecast today calls for more flurries throughout the day and into tomorrow but then its supposed to warm up by the weekend. I’d like to think I could wait for the snow to melt so I wouldn’t have to shovel it but that just isn’t right. My front porch is already snowed in and I can’t even see my deck in the back. Lucky has to go out through the garage just to get out at all. Ahhh, Winter.