Sunday, February 24, 2008

I Love My Flip-Flops

When Maegan and I first left California to move to Florida back in 2005 we drove north to Michigan to see family before heading to my new home, Maegan flew back to California from Michigan. Anyway, while in the Detroit area, I would hang out with old friends and eat at all the old haunts and things like that.

I also did a bit of shopping for shorts and shirts and anything else to give me that Caribbean feel. I bought a number of those Hawaiian type shirts, you know, the real loud ones with flowers on them that old fat guys like me wear while on vacation. I figured with my new life and all I’d start to wear them all the time. Just to give me that relaxation feel. Kind of like the little umbrellas in drinks that I spoke so fondly of in a previous post.

Something else I bought while in Michigan back then was a pair of flip-flops. I have never had a pair before. I did own a few pair of sandals out in California but never wore them much. I figured that while in Florida I’d need something to slip on and off at the beach so what the hell, they were only $3.00. Let me tell you, the best investment I think I’ve ever made.

I love my flip-flops. While in Florida I would wear them whenever I wasn’t working. I’d go to breakfast, lunch or dinner in them. I’d wear them with shorts or jeans. It didn’t matter. When slipped on I would get that “on vacation” feeling and it would make it easier to relax. They were always at the door to the apartment and when I’d go anywhere I’d just slip em on. The same held true when we moved into the house down there.

When we moved to Michigan I wore them throughout the summer and into the fall for as long as I could. Once it was too cold I started using them as a sort of bath slipper when I would get out of the shower. Still do.

When I came down to Florida for this little vacation I’m on I made sure I packed them as I wore my gym shoes to the airport and on the plane. Once I got to my brothers house I unpacked and put the flip-flops on and I noticed yesterday that they are all I’ve worn since then. I’ve gone out to eat, to the beach and to movies. I’ve sat around reading, writing and watching television and the whole time I’ve either got the flip-flops on or right next to the chair for when I get up.
I’ll probably have to wear my regular shoes on Tuesday because we’re going to a play but that will be the only time during the entire eight days down here that they will be on my feet. Until then though no shoes or socks required.

I can’t wait for spring to hit in Michigan so I can start the cycle up there. It’s nice to come home from work and literally “slip” into something a little more comfortable. I like the tan lines that form on my feet. I like how light my feet are when wearing them. I love my flip-flops.

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