Sunday, January 11, 2009

You Don't Even Have To Look For It

I was on the phone with someone yesterday, commiserating about the snow, and I mentioned how I had shoveled the driveway but not the walk. I explained that I never used the walk. I always come in the garage. I said that the mailbox was on a pole across the street so there was really no reason for anyone to have to get to my door. Well, it couldn’t have been more than two or three minutes later, while still on the phone, that my doorbell rang. Sure enough it was the mailman. How is that even remotely possible? I couldn’t have planned it any better if I tried.

Stuff like that is so weird yet I find it kind of, I don’t know, comforting. It kind of confirms my thoughts on how comical life not only can be, but is. It’s kind of like the video I passed around of Lucky, part Siberian Husky, being afraid of the snow. You can’t make that kind of stuff up. It’s real life and I happen to find that reassuring.

Here’s a perfect example right now. I’m sitting here in my chair watching television. I turned on the weather channel to see what today’s forecast calls for and they guy just said we won’t get anymore snow until this evening. I look up at one of the windows here in the living room and see that it’s snowing pretty hard. What else can you do but enjoy this moment?

I think it’s vital that things are that way. If it weren’t I can’t imagine the stress we’d all be under. I mean, we all have stress in our lives and sometimes it can be overwhelming. My point is that without the comical side of life happening on a regular basis, I’m just not sure how we’d make it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These little things are important Kevin. Very true. So many people don't even get the links. The meaning behind these things. It's that universal thing that steps into our lives.

We should always be aware of the 'little' stuff. It's only then that we can really be ready to receive the 'big' stuff.

And gratitude is paramount. If we take moments to acknowledge what is given (like obviously you are doing) we will receive more of this evidential stuff.

I truly believe that.

Oh, and another scorcher here today. 35c.
