Thursday, December 30, 2010

Happy New Year 2011

The end of another year is upon us. 2010 wasn’t what I’d call an easy year. Being out of work for half of it ensured that. People say that along with the good comes the bad. Well. The reverse was quite true for me. While out of work I had a number of friends and relatives that helped make sure I had enough to pay my bills, eat and have a social life that anyone would be happy about. For that, I can never give the thanks that are truly deserved.

One of the goals I’ve always set for myself is to not be an ass. By that, I mean to treat other people decently. I think I’ve done pretty well with that. I’ve made a few new friends and that can never be a bad thing. I’ve reconnected with a number of folks from my past and, over the last few years, that’s proven to be nothing but positive. . All in all I’ve done all right with a few asterisks along the way. I think that can be said for most of us.

I’ve still got things in my personal life I need to work on, we all do, and maybe the New Year will see changes in those areas. I’d like to be more open to new relationships. That’s something that I’ve always struggled with and turning 50 in a month, well, it night be time to grow up in that area of my life. I need to start taking better care of my life and it’s surroundings. Things like keeping the house and my car clean would be nice. I’m always embarrassed to invite friends over simply because I don’t keep things as neat as I should. All in all, I’d just like to be better. I can’t promise that it’ll be the case but, with baby steps, maybe I can make improvements along the way. On the other hand, maybe I won’t do anything differently. All I can do is give it a shot.

So, Happy New Year, everybody. I hope you all get everything your heart desires. Try to be nice to each other. Things always go much smoother when you start with that.

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