Saturday, November 28, 2009

Bar Night 2009

A few years ago a couple guys from my hometown got together and thought about how nice it would be to see all their old high school friends again. They decided that Thanksgiving weekend would be a good time for it as many of the out of towners would be in for the Holiday and they picked a local establishment to meet at. Last night was this year’s version and I get the feeling that it’s grown much larger than these guys ever dreamed.

This was my second go round with what has become known as “Oak Park Bar Night” and it truly is a major party. It’s almost like walking down the halls of my old school between classes. Seeing this group of people here and that gang over there. So many familiar faces, it’s kinda nice to know that I can identify most of them after all these years. I think most of those there could. Of course we’re almost cheating at the game because of this computer age we’re in.

There are a number of people who give me grief about my use of the social network Facebook. Yes, I’m quite the regular and you know what? I wouldn’t have it any other way. As I was ducking and dodging my way through the sardine can full of people from my high school last night, I couldn’t help noticing how many of the folks there were only there because of Facebook. Admit it, you guys that were a part of it, how many people that you are now in contact with from your youth are a direct result of Facebook? I’m willing to bet most.

Anyway, I met an old friend and her fiancĂ© for dinner at around seven, a couple other folks came and sat with us, one that I hadn’t seen since junior high and as the place started filling up I felt the need to get out from the table and move around. I don’t know if I made the right decision. It was kinda six of one, a half dozen of the other. Rather immobile either way.

There was an amazing amount of people there. Everywhere I looked I saw a face that took me back. Sure, there were plenty of people I knew and am in regular contact with but this being the weekend of my high school reunion, I saw numerous faces of former classmates I haven’t seen since school. Some were good friends back in the day and others were just faces in the hall. All of them, in their own way, gave me the warm and fuzzies that I seem to be feeling more and more these days. I took my camera with me but, as usual, I didn’t really use it. I always feel weird about running around snapping away.

Tonight is my 30’Th high school reunion. I’ve not been to any of the previous ones and the old nerves of steel I’ve never had seem to be staying on their permanent vacation. It’s really strange, the way I feel going into any of these events. I’m so nervous leading up to the shindig it’s like I’m about to speak in front of thousands of people, yet once I get there, I’m totally at ease. It’s like I own the room and can do with it as I wish. I can control conversations and put things right where I want to. It’s like I’m right where I’m supposed to be. That’s kinda nice isn’t it?


Anonymous said...

It is very nice indeed! The 30th was one like no other in my case, and I've been to both the 10th and 20th. My favorite part is talking to my elementary school friends. The girls that were at my birthday parties. Warm and fuzzy is the perfect description to the feelings I have when these old (and new cuz of FB) friends wrap me in their arms for a big hug! Do yourself a favor tonight and capture those feelings with your camera. You will be pleased afterwards!

allykat said...

yes-it is nice

Unknown said...

very nice indeed...... thank you for sharing.. again!