Monday, November 24, 2008

Hopefully For Good!

Ok, I’ve mentioned the web site in a couple other posts. I originally signed up for this sight because a friend of mine in Europe asked me to right after I moved here to Michigan. I guess it’s a lot like but for me it’s a simpler site. I was never able to post pictures on myspace, they were always the wrong size. So I never really bothered with it and started putting pics and videos on Facebook.

I had a couple friends in Florida and a few that I worked with up here that were either already on the site or signed up once I asked them to. I would check in on the site occasionally and post a video that I thought was funny and just say hi or things like that. After a while, like all new things, it got old. I stopped checking in on the site and eventually deactivated my account.

A couple months ago I got an email from a friend in Florida saying that she was trying to send me something on Facebook and I couldn’t be found. I went back onto the site and reactivated my account. Once on, I started doing some searching for names from my past. They have a couple different ways of searching and one of them is through schools. I looked into my old high school and saw all kinds of names of people that I knew, or rather, once knew. I found folks that I haven’t seen or talked to since high school and quickly became part of their network. I was also getting “friend” requests from people I’d never heard of from my school. Some I accepted and some I didn’t. Most of the ones I didn’t know were in my brother David’s class and I thought they were simply confusing the two of us. Others, that I didn’t remember, I figured would come to me eventually. I’ve even gotten in touch with a friend that lived down my block that I was very close to. I flew up to Seattle from San Diego in the early eighties to stand up at his wedding and have only seen him once since then.

I must say I’m having the time of my life communicating with these people. I kind of feel like Sally Field at the Oscars when she said, “ you like me, you really like me”. I’ve sent notes to a few of the people that I remember but was never close to. In the note I’ve asked them what their opinions of me were back then. I asked for complete honesty, asking if I was nice or was I an ass to them. I’m not asking to see if I need to apologize or anything, I’m just trying to wrap my arms around me and who I was back then.

The responses have been rather touching. I told you about the friend who said I was one of the popular kids in school, which I never thought was true back then. I’ve also been told that I was one of the “cool” kids and that I was always nice and all the things we hope people think of us. I’ve received these kinds of responses from not only people I was friends with, which is kind of expected, but also from folks that I thought didn’t even know me.

Trying not to get to mushy here but this is really special to me. I love being in contact with these people and I hope the renewing feeling doesn’t go away. I think it’s truly amazing that these are people that, neither they nor I thought we’d ever hear from again. It simply blows my mind. I didn’t love my school years. I didn’t hate them either. I was kind of ambivalent about the whole thing. It’s pretty much how I’ve felt about my entire life.

There is a group of folks from my high school that get together every year at a restaurant down in the Detroit area around Thanksgiving. I was told about it last year and did my normal freak out thing and didn’t go. I’m planning on going this year; it’s this Friday, if I can avoid talking myself out of it. I’ve sort of forced the issue by committing to drive down with someone that lives up here. Otherwise, I know I’d find an excuse to get out of it. The closer the day gets the more of a wreck inside I become. Pretty stupid I know.

Anyway, if any of you new, old friends read this please know that I’m so incredibly happy to get to know you all again. I really hope that when the fad of Facebook goes away we somehow don’t lose each other again. I do, though, nervously, look forward to seeing a number of you again this Friday and hope we can continue these chats and notes for many, many years to come.


Anonymous said...


Seems like you were a pretty nice guy back then...what happened?


Mark H

Anonymous said...

hey im nervous to. but looking forward to it. lets keeping talking to one another and maybe we can support each other and actually make it there this year. lets be positive. we're not going to die. right? nk

Anonymous said...

I hope you go, Kev. I have been having a blast reading your funny shit on facebook and my sister and I are getting the kind of entertainment only an Oak Parker would appreciate.
I might marry you, you never know.
(you asked me, and you can't take it back)
So..PLEASE show up so we can laugh and's some incentive...
women our age tend to pee when we laugh too hard or sneeze. So when you start to freak out and feel insecure, just rememeber all of the hens at the party are wearing panty liners.
Lovin ya,

LibraryGirl62 said...

I will hunt you down and make you miserable if you don't go! You are still fab, go and flaunt your fabness :)

Anonymous said...

Hey, I won't be there on Friday, but I think you should go. I'm going to the reunion even though I've gained weight and I'm not the girl I was in high school -- but then maybe that is a good thing! (not the weight, I'd gladly shed that).

-- Jan Sitchin

Jen said...

We all get nervous at stuff Kevin. A few months ago I met a group of bloggers at a luncheon. Can't tell you how nervous I was feeling, yet was impelled to go.

We sort of become friends via the written word, so to meet and see if the personality matches what we imagine in our minds is quite wonderful.

As you know I am all for stepping out of comfort zones. We have to do that to expand ourselves. Amazing what magical stuff happens when we do.

There's no point being staid and boring, just sitting at home doing same old, same old. We have to do different to receive different. So many opportunities arise then, it's really quite amazing.

Have a great time with these friends.

Cheers Jen