Monday, June 8, 2009

Don't Wanna Live Without It

So I’ve got 12 days till go day. Go day is the day I move. Up until about a week ago it was, to me, a done deal. I was all set to move to Florida and once again, start my life all over again. As the day gets closer and closer the stress I’m feeling is literally bringing me to my knees. This is a new feeling for me.

I’ve always been the calm guy in the room. Nothing got to me and there would be times that friends would just marvel at how little emotion I would show in a crisis. It’s something I’ve always been proud of, you know, being calm under pressure. I’m not sure how I got that way but it’s helped not only me, but others as well.

For whatever reason, that’s completely changed now. I have major concerns about this impending move and the reasons for it are ones I never thought would have any kind of effect on anything I’d ever do. It’s friends. It’s the idea of being able to go out on a regular basis with people I’ve known for virtually my whole life. It’s not just the idea of me not being able to leave all these people, it’s that I’m not sure I want to. It’s really quite the conundrum. I hate Michigan’s cold winters but on the other hand, is there anything warmer than the feeling of being needed or wanted by those you care so much about?

So I’ve interviewed with a retail outlet down in the Detroit area and it looks as if they’ll offer me a job. Then the real stress comes, a decision has to be made. It’s so much tougher than I ever dreamed it would be. If I were to stay in Michigan it would have to be in the Detroit area around all these new/old friends. Otherwise it wouldn’t be worth it.

Damn Facebook, if it wasn’t for you I’d have probably already been gone. But like I said earlier, I just don’t know if I can leave what I’ve started to build here. It’s really something special that not only was never expected to happen to me but, even more importantly, something I’m not sure I want to live without.


Unknown said...

Ok here's another idea...
How about taking the new job opp and socking some dough away to buy a forclosed condo or something in Florida...
that way, you can at least do some long weekends here and have it for when you are ready to retire...
plenty of flights and cheap tickets to Detroit from Tampa Bay.
Hell, I'd even help you manage the place if you wanted to rent it out.

Anonymous said...

you are so lucky to get to start all over again and have some really cool friends to help you along the way.
I am so proud and happy for you. You have come a long way and fought most of your journey. Take some time to relax and enjoy "Space Mountain."
It can leave you weak at the knees but at the same time begging for more.