Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Can You See The Real Me

Was at a friend’s place a few weeks ago when an incident happened that required the help of all the guys that were there. Someone had driven their car into a position that made it necessary for a number of us to go out and literally pick up the car in order for it to be able to move. While all the guys were dealing with the car, a number of the women that were there came out and watched. While this was happening, one of the women commented to me, while laughing, about how it was a macho fest kind of thing going on. Another woman that was there with us said that it wasn’t true for me. She told this woman that I was the most real person around and we all three laughed.

I’ve been thinking about that statement lately and I think I like it. I like the idea of being thought of that way. I think it means that I’m not looked at as one that puts on airs and I think that’s a good thing. I’m quite sure my writing has led to that kind of thought about me and I’m also just as sure that women feel that way about me more than men. Whereas my male friends make fun of me on a regular basis for my “sensitivity”, they still read the blog and I know I’ve struck a chord with a number of guys just from the reactions I’ve received from a number of posts. I think I say what they want to but would never say in public. Women, on the other hand, seem to “get” what I’m saying and tell me so on a regular basis. I’ve always said I write for chicks and if you’ve been a blog follower for the last few years, you know what I mean.

I think I’m the way I am, as most are, because of the way I grew up. Having a single Mother during my teen years and my sister pretty much raising us when I was very small obviously had a huge influence on my thought process. I think my brothers are also in step with me on this emotional level, though they’ve always done a better job of throwing on the macho air I spoke of earlier. They each have followed my writing regularly and have shared their thoughts on numerous posts both as comments on the blog and through conversations we’ve had.

So, I think this real thing can mean a few things. Yes, I write with a great deal of emotion and I’m not afraid to show my “feminine” side. I also think it means I’m kind of in touch with how most of my friends think. I look at that statement and it looks so, I don’t know, ego driven. Anyone who knows me knows that a large ego is nothing I ever have to deal with as I regularly suffer from the complete opposite.
I make the statement because of the notes and comments I’ve received over the years. Not only from friends but from folks I’ve never even met. It’s a pretty cool feeling to write what I feel and find I’m not the only one thinking that way. It’s rather freeing, if that makes sense. Sort of gives validation to this jumbled mass of thoughts that are constantly running around up stairs.

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