Tuesday, August 17, 2010

It Just Doesn't Make Me Laugh

Ok, I have something to admit to. It’s something I’ve been hiding since 1980. Something that most certainly puts me in the minority of most people in my generation. Something that has, in the past, had people tell me how crazy I am and actually raise their voices about. I don’t find the movie, “Caddyshack” very funny. There, I’ve said it. Let the rock flinging begin, I can take it.

It’s really something what happens when I tell people this. I am barraged with a litany of lines from the movie. Each one is prefaced with, “what about when” and then some part of the movie is recounted for me. If I’m in a group of three or four people, this can last for a good 10 minutes. I take it like a man, nodding and giving the fake laugh we all give when we don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings because they’re sounding like an idiot.

I probably know more lines from the movie than anyone just from people trying to convince me that it’s the funniest movie ever. I understand that you find it funny but the more you try to convince me, the more I’m going to find it a bore. Sorry, that’s just the way it is.

There, I’ve said it in public. I feel like I can breathe again. Like a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I feel like screaming from the top of a mountain. “I don’t like Caddyshack” over and over again. Please don’t try to convince me that I’m wrong, it’s not gonna happen; you’d be wasting your time.

Man, that was tough. I think I need a nap

1 comment:

LibraryGirl62 said...

It's what makes us human-the ability to tell someone they are wrong :) Just kidding! To each his own, I always say :)