To say I’m a fan of Barack Obama would be the understatement of the year. I think I might have a kind of man crush on him. There’s something about the guy that’s electric. He can work a room like no one this country has seen since J.F.K. Apart from that I like what he seems to stand for. I say seems to because, let’s be honest, you never really know what politicians truly believe because of all the debts and political favors one has to repay throughout their public lives.
But here’s the thing. This guy brings something to the table that’s hard to describe. It’s a kind of excitement that makes one want to almost get up and do something. What? I don’t know. Yet, you can almost see it in the air. He’s got IT. Yes he sounds like a preacher when he talks but I find it kind of hypnotizing. Yes, he says the same things many politicians say but he says it in a manner that makes me want to believe him more than any of the others out there. Do you remember the Keynote speech at the 2004 Democratic Convention? If not, I’m sure you can find it on youtube. Look it up and give it a listen, it’s there. Reading it doesn’t do it justice.
I just watched his speech of 03/18/08. How do you not love this guy? I think I want to marry him. I have been moved inside. Listen close kids. We are in the presence of greatness. This is a man who very well may go down in history with the likes of Martin Luther King, Franklin Delano Roosevelt and John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Get ready to include the Senator from the great state of Illinois, Barack Hussein Obama.
I’m serious; I think he’s the real thing. I’m punching up the speech on Google and looking up reaction and the only bad one I’ve seen so far is from Rush Limbaugh and what would you expect from him. The Christian Broadcasting Group even spoke highly of it. The general consensus is that he hit a home run on this one and needless to say, I agree. I’m going to ask you to go to youtube again and this time look up today’s speech. I’ve checked and it’s already there. It’s truly one of the great political speeches you’ll find anywhere.
Ahh, my hearts fluttering…
1 comment:
sorry but in the future I think all will b sorry. I can go on and on about his horrific, radical past, but know one seems to care, it's like their hyptmotized.
Yes, I will hope he does the greatest of all for America, for all of us, I do hope you can say I'm wrong, but when and if I have to say "I told you so," to all of those who have voted for someone that's past has shown nothing but a history of hate for his country, I just want you all to remember to understand, research and know the facts, before voting for someone who "preaches" rather than speaks the truth. He's a jew hater, a friend of a terriorist who bombed the pentagon, and prayed in a church that preached hate. Most of the people who I find support him are ignorant and do not learn about their candidates, but unlike MLK's dream, they choose a person based on the color of their skin rather than their character. I pray that he can prove me I'm wrong.
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